Upskilling for a Future after A “Career Gap”

Change in life is endless, and the job landscape is no exception. After a year of significant shifts and pivots for workplaces worldwide, it’s become increasingly visible that not only do industries need to be updated, but their people need to be too. Therefore, reskilling and upskilling for a future-ready workforce has become a professional career. Employees are taking breaks from companies to get upskilled to thrive back in their careers. 

Wondering how you can advance your career in the future? Planning to bounce back after a career gap? Stay tuned to know more by reading this blog till the end.

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Is upskilling worth it?

Technology changes and advances industries at a fast rate. Thus creating a gap between the present workforce’s skills and the skills that are now necessary to execute their jobs effectively. A report discovered that 74 percent of hiring managers believe that a skills gap lives in the workforce, and this lack of adequate skills is one of the biggest obstacles in hiring.

Upskilling presents one central solution to this labor problem. Giant firms like Amazon and PWC have already invested in upskilling programs for their employees. By advancing the skills of current and future professionals, the skills gap can be bridged. As a result, employees and employers will benefit from less turnover, boost growth opportunities, and increase work productivity and satisfaction. The moral of the story is that upskilling enables working individuals to take charge of their career mobility, and employers get top talent.

Areas to Upskills and Earning Potential

The skills gap encloses a lack of competencies in multiple areas. These areas range from more technical skills to soft skills. Learn about some of the significant areas to upskill and how they can also up your earning potential.

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Digital Upskilling

Digital upskilling has become more necessary as workplaces work remotely and through digital channels. Workers with digital skills earn an average of $20 more per hour than those who don’t have them. However, the National Skills Coalition discovered that about one in three U.S. workers had limited digital skills or lacked them completely. So what are you waiting for? Level up your career and earnings potential in digital skills.

Good news for you Unschool is an e-learning platform offering Job Programs in Digital Marketing. The course is of 6 months to give you a walk-through of the detailed knowledge and prepare you for the job. Moreover, LinkedIn has reported that companies are looking for digital marketing executives. 


Statisticians, data scientists, information security analysts, and research analysts are predicted to be among the top 20 fastest-growing occupations in the future. Also, each occupation’s median salary was at least $84,0000 or above. Therefore, future-proof your career and salary by upskilling in analytics.

If you plan to get an idea about the domain, then Unschool is here to your rescue. Subscribe and learn in the skill courses. What are you waiting for? Enroll now. 

Soft Skills

While technical skills are very in demand, job and wage growth are particularly strong for candidates with a good balance of hard and soft skills. You employ soft skills when interacting with others and managing your work.

A researcher uncovered that jobs demanding high social skills grew 12% while fewer job opportunities were reduced. This finding indicates how industries are utilizing automation to replace roles demanding less social interaction. Prove that you’re more priceless than any robot or algorithm by honing your soft skills.


Leadership is a skill appreciated in management positions and necessary both in times of success and times of crisis. Employers often look for leadership in work experience or extracurriculars when considering candidates. Leadership skills will be essential to your resume if you aim to reach a management position and a high median salary. Cultivate the leadership qualities that are necessary to up your earning potential today. 

Likewise, ULead offers a paid online internship to upskill yourself in sales and marketing. Leadership is the most sought-after skill by all companies, and Ulead is the place to be if you see yourself as a corporate leader in the future. We are looking for spirited individuals who want to challenge how the system works. We are on the same page if you believe that exceptional and well-rounded education is the way to change the world. Apply now!

Few tips to bounce back on the track

1. Take a pause, and do not start your job search immediately

While it’s common to start looking for another job after a one-day break, giving yourself some time is also essential. According to a report, invest in your initial phase for recovery, give yourself some time to decompress, and do the following:

  • Ask yourself what you are seeking in your next opportunity.
  • Work on any demanded skill sets that may help land your job search.
  • Take a part-time job or freelancing gig if you wish to.
  • Give a fresh makeover to your CV, but do not send it to every employer you come across. 

2. Let your resume upsell your skills

In most circumstances, your CV meets the hiring manager before your interview. Determining your strengths, specialized skills, professional achievements, and any additional certifications you have completed is crucial. It’s a good idea to design a customized resume that promotes specific skills applicable to each job you apply to.

3. Leverage your social network

In today’s business world, networking is essential. Feeling frustrated after a career gap is normal, but you must muster courage and motivate yourself to bounce back quickly. Invest time refining your profile on LinkedIn and other job portals. Keep your work samples ready if required.

Let your friends and colleagues know you are looking for a suitable opportunity. Reach out to HR managers and recruiters of companies you might be interested in working with.

4. Ask for recommendations

Ask your colleagues, especially your immediate supervisors, for recommendations, such as letters, emails, or LinkedIn recommendations. 

5. Prepare an optimistic reply about your break

When your resume reflects a gap in your work experience, a common question that most recruiters ask is the reason behind the gap. Be equipped with a candid, positive response. Discuss your passion for your previous roles and responsibilities and how you made your break worth it. 

6. Explore opportunities and acquire new skills

Consider your break as a chance for a change in career paths. You could become an entrepreneur and utilise your technical and operational proficiency to grow into a profit-making business. 

Suppose you are considering the dynamically changing face of the IT industry, with accelerated automation and a reduced workforce. In that case, employees must keep learning and upgrading their skill sets with the latest industry-specific technologies.

Final words

In a constantly changing world, it’s vital to remain adaptable and explore ways to future-proof your livelihood. Therefore, take control of your career revolution by upskilling and reap its many benefits for you, your career, and your finances.

Are you thinking about investing in an online course or boot-camp to start upskilling? Enroll in ULead to get a brief exposure in the sales and marketing domain. We empower students to become industry-ready through courses and internships. Visit our website to know more

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