Employees Rule Book: Serving Notice Period !!

So, you had an exciting new job opportunity, handed over your resignation letter, and are currently serving a notice period. Therefore, serving your notice period does not mean an employee can slack off, which can sour your relations with the existing employer. But first, let’s start with the concept of the notice period before we dig into the Do’s and Dont’s of the serving notice period.

So, what is a notice period? It is the period an employee has to set between submitting their resignation and their last day of work in the organisation. Usually, the different firm sets a notice period of 1-2 months when an employee puts in their papers. An employee can negotiate their notice period during their exit interview and highlight it in their resignation letter. Also, treat your notice period with the same sincerity with which you approached your first day on the job.

Now let’s jump into the tips for serving your notice period:

Do’s of Serving Notice Period:

1. Continue with the same productivity

When you’re serving your notice period, it’s easy to feel tempted to take it easy on yourself. It may impact a lot of unfinished business for the team you’ve worked with for a long time. Maintain the same level of productivity, and keep your team in the loop of your progress so they can keep up. 

2. Inform your clients

When serving your notice period, you must also notify your clients, associates, and associates of your last day of employment. Until your successor takes over, have a seamless flow of work and communication to provide them with the contact information for your manager.

3. Assure there aren’t any loose ends

Wrapping up active projects and adequately handing over ongoing projects or duties should be your top priority. Make sure you don’t put things off till the last minute. Leaving a clean desk with great affairs in good hands indicates your concern for the organization, even if you are no longer employed there.

4. Share your knowledge

Before you go, your manager expects you to complete all of your present projects. However, this may not be feasible considering the short duration of your notice period compared to the project’s lifetime. Thus, complete knowledge transfer to the person or team who will take over your role and responsibilities is a more acceptable expectation. After you leave, your reputation will be improved by a successful knowledge transfer.

5. Don’t be swayed by a shift in team spirit

It often happens sometimes, when you start serving your notice period, things move inside the team. If you join a competitor group, you may not be invited to team meetings regarding future ventures or other crucial conferences or other events. Rather than feeling unnoticed and unknown within your team, remain cheerful and look forwards to upcoming opportunities.

6. Be courteous and grateful

No matter how alluring it may be, bypass gossip, criticism, or outright bragging about the new firm. Instead, focus on the positive facets of the organization and be grateful for the possibilities you have been given. When asked for intake about the organization during your leave interview, maintain polite behavior and deliver productive criticism.

Don’ts of Serving Notice Period:

1. Don’t make a big deal out of your new employment

It’s expected to be excited about the new workplace, new faces, spaces, amusement areas, and more, but don’t brag in front of your colleagues in the bay. Sometimes, it not only causes problems at work but can also negatively affect the atmosphere throughout your notice period.

2. Don’t take it as a break

Although you may have less responsibility in the final weeks, that doesn’t mean you waste your workday on gossip, watching Netflix, or surfing social media. Make yourself invaluable in some way. Ask your manager and teammates about what you can do to assist. As a result, your thoughtfulness and team spirit will be greatly appreciated.

3. Make sure you don’t leave on a sour note

There may be honest reasons for you to harbor negative views against specific components of your company. But conveying them while on notice is not the way to go. The market is not small, it won’t take long for word to spread like wildfire, and don’t want to ruin your reputation to harm your chances of a brighter future.

4. Make no big deal about it

Yes, informing your professional network of your departure would be best, but you don’t have to make a big deal. Therefore, maintaining a low profile at this time will earn you more respect and appreciation from your boss and colleagues.

5. Email a formal farewell note 

Ensure you have time to say goodbyes to everyone you’ve worked with during your time there to leave on a friendly note. Thank them for their help and advice, apologize for the tough times, and trade contact information. Please take this opportunity to thank them for all the amazing experiences you’ve enjoyed and take away as lessons. These are some of the tips that will support you in serving your notice period with positivity and ease.

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