An Online Internship in MNC’s: Is it possible?

Online Internship in MNC's

Ahh, the summertime!

While multiple college students are gearing up to take a break from their academic tasks to enjoy the sun and fun. Instead of relaxing, you can peek to enhance your post-college professional career by applying for a Summer Internship.

Good for you!

Undertaking an internship in MNC welcomes a plethora of learning opportunities with the real-life scenario of a company. MNCs are clear winners in terms of the brand value factor.

For instance, a person’s internship at PepsiCo carries a bigger brand value than that of a small company. It plays a vital role when preliminary screening is done on candidates’ resumes during recruitment. If you are planning to undertake an internship then you might have few skills 

5 gate pass skills are required to get an Internship in MNCs

Securing a job or internship can be a competitive process owing to the sheer amount of skill set and other qualities required to get an internship. With many students vying for internships and introducing multiple skills and knowledge to the table to make the cut and get an internship with good communication skills, confidence, and more. Let us dive deep into the skills required for an internship in MNC:

1. Communication

Communication ensues in a mixture of ways, but future employers are most interested in your capability to write and speak professionally. Your written skills are revealed in your resume and cover letter, but what about verbal? It will be judged by the way you deliver thoughtful answers to the interview questions. The ability to communicate effectively is to summarise ideas and share information is pivotal in every field.  

2. Critical Thinking

Critical thinking directs to the ability to examine and evaluate a concern and form a judgement. The proclivity to think critically can be presented by a willingness to ask questions to understand a problem from all possible angles and pose clever solutions. It’s a common trend adopted by many professors during college and employers highly appreciate it.

3. Adaptability

Today’s work culture for interns in MNC often requires wearing multiple hats. As an intern, you will be placed in supporting the sales team and the next day conducting customer service. Therefore you may have an interest in a particular facet of an industry and can explore all the departments that are viewed as an asset. As a result, it will give you a taste of every work from each department. 

4. Collaboration

As an intern, you will be collaborating with other interns and professional employees. Hence your capacity to express and relate to others is indeed important for collaboration. The simple reason is to work with others toward a common goal. As a part of the team, you have to comprehend your strengths and weaknesses so you can contribute. 

5. Receptiveness

While taking initiative is crucial, so is accepting and receiving feedback. If you have made a mistake and mentioning the feedback received regarding the error and how you reacted to it makes a big difference in your interview. Then your interviewer might acknowledge that you can address any weaknesses.

Top Summer Internships to Consider in 2022

Now that you have a brief idea of summer Internships and what to expect as an intern, let’s look at the options for the best summer internship out there!

Here are the Top MNC’s Summer Internship options available this year:

  • UBER

1. Facebook

Glassdoor stated that Facebook ranked two years in a row where the world-class mentors, open culture, and opportunities to make a genuine influence on the intern program. Uncover yourself by interning at Facebook the ultimate learning experience.

2. Google

Nothing looks good on a resume for future careers if you have a stamp by Google. Unfortunately, millions of applicants are praying to become a part of the Google team. Hence it will be a difficult road, even toward internship eligibility. However, if you possess the skills required by them, then you can write a cogent resume and cover letter and go for it! Apply here  

3. Amazon

The creative online retailer and business technology provider, Amazon is an excellent firm for summer interns. Apart from the intern opportunities, they equip students with full-time roles in engineering, research, business, and technical areas, and chances for undergrads to explore. Click here to Apply  

4. Apple

Adding to the list is another highly favored program that is Apple’s summer internships. It offers training while working as an entry-level employee. Furthermore, it is applicable for undergraduates and graduate students to sign up for summer projects. To know more click here  

5. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a fantastic site to find internships, but also a great place to work as an intern. With myriad openings to dig across the technical, business, and creative areas, it’s one of the professional programs you must check out and Apply here  

6. Unilever

As a prominent multinational corporation, Unilever has massive opportunities for students with future career paths in almost every domain. The internships exist in marketing, research, and development, customer development, finance, and more. Check out more to know other fields Apply Now  

7. Uber

Uber careers offer fruitful opportunities with an array of internships available such as co-op programs, MBA internships, and graduate programs across fields like engineering, and more. If you want to explore more domains click here

8. Samsung

Samsung internships are like levered startup jobs because you get health advantages, summer outings, and even a gift from Samsung, a new phone, perhaps. It is open year-round and globally, and you can apply in engineering, design, and research for an internship. What are you waiting for start applying here Click

Final words

There is no shortcut to securing your internship in MNC. Competition is really strong in today’s financial setup, therefore it is important to stand among the crowd when applying for a job. Internships, upskilling, and other programs can help you boost your confidence to crack the internship interview. So start gearing up if you want to work in your dream job company. All the best!

8 thoughts on “An Online Internship in MNC’s: Is it possible?

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